Contribute to the site!

Any sort of contributions to this site are welcome, as the goal is to get as many games and features on this site as possible. If you just want to help add games, you won't need any coding knowledge at all. This page will show you how to do that. Thanks for considering!

Adding Games

If you want to add games, then just make a fork of the repo here (see below if you need help) and then just add whatever you want. You will also have to fork this one if you are looking to add flash games, as that's where all the flash game files are stored. If you need help with anything on this, then feel free to email me.

Contributing Code

If you know anything about html or javascript and have an idea of a feature to add to the site, that would be awesome! If you want to do this, start by going to the GitHub repository here and forking it by clicking the 'fork' button in the top right. This will make you a copy of all the files. Then you can make any changes you want without having anything else edited. Once you're finished, make a pull request and I will add it to the main repository, and it will appear throughout the whole site. If you don't know how to make a pul request, see this link for more info!


Don't donate to this project. There's no way to do that, and I don't want to get any money from it since it's just for fun. But if you have any money you are willing to donate, I recommend donating it to ruffle! That is the flash emulator that makes the site work, and without it this site couldnt exist at all.

Share it around!

Probably the easiest thing to help, is share it to your friends! That way more people can enjoy this.